Australia burns…

It’s Monday morning and I am sitting at McDonalds in my parents hometown of Sale, East Gippsland, Victoria, availing myself of the free WiFi.  All around me sit local country folk, their hamburgers going cold as they watch the television and listen to the dreadful news of the bush fires that have ravaged our State this weekend.  The atmosphere is somber and I see such sadness on people’s faces as we listen to the reporter inform us that 31 fires continue to blaze across Victoria, over 100 deaths have been confirmed and authorities expect this toll to increase as there are many people missing. Thousands of acres have been burned, whole country towns and villages destroyed and countless numbers of livestock and wildlife lost to the bush fires. These fires are the worst natural disaster Australia has ever experienced.

Last week the Country Fire Authority was warning all residents to be prepared for bush fires this weekend.  On Saturday the temperature was the highest ever recorded for Victoria as the mercury peaked at 115F.  As I went to bed that evening the air was thick with smoke, soot and burned eucalyptus leaves carried on the gusting north winds.  Even though there was some rain during the night it was not enough to bring relief and we knew that the 3500 fire fighters were doing everything they could to prevent loss of life.  This was the second weekend in a row that fires were being fought by these men and women with additional crews coming in from across the nation.

Bush fires are not an unusual occurance in the Aussie summer…its part of life especially for the rural areas.  I remember as a child sitting on my bed late at night, looking out the window to the mountain ridges in the distance that were a blaze of red against the night sky and knowing my Dad was up there with other local volunteers fighting fires. It was not unusual to have my summer seaside holidays at my Grandparents abruptly interrupted by Dad arriving to collect us to take us back home to the bush.  He needed to be there to fight fires.

Although my town has not been threatened, the lingering smoke on the horizon reminds me of the devastation of rural communities not far away. My heart is heavy and my eyes fill with tears as I identify with the pain and loss being experienced in Australia today.

Please pray for Victoria. There is not a person here not effected by this tragedy.  In Australia there is a local saying that describes the character and nature of the Australian… “Aussie Battler.”  Australians historically are a resilient breed and they will battle and overcome what ever adversity they face.  We are a tough lot!  Please pray for God’s comfort to rain upon hurting hearts that desperately need Him.

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5 Comments on “Australia burns…”

  1. David Leigh Says:

    Been thinking about you… Glad you’re not in danger, but know that your heart is really affected.

    I think your tears are an intercession…but ask further how your prayers can match Jesus’ heart for the situation and that His voice would be heard clearly at this time…from the practical (firefighting, safety, etc.) to the strategic (what’s going on here?).

    Be blessed and kept in His hand.

  2. Danielle Says:

    Leonie, my heart and prayers are with you and Victoria. You did a beautiful job describing the situation, and I think anyone who reads this blog will be moved to prayer. Bless you, keep safe!

  3. Lauren Humdy Says:

    I am so praying for Australia, the Prime Minister, the first responders and for the people who are once again suffering great loss. I know from your description the Aussies are a resilient people, but this I too know…we who are strong need to allow ourselves to be weak and lean on everlasting arms of a restoring God.

    I pray for you and Lorrie and do tell her I miss her so.
    I look forward to your next blog and your report of getting both Visas awarded to you.

    today I was reading and meditating on appointment that God made of new disciples, ie, Timothy and how God chose the priest of the old testament to be stand outs, to be different, to be a “holy” to be able to distinguish between the holy and common, and the unclean and the clean, and you are to teach the people of Israel all the statutes that the Lord has spoken to Moses.
    I so want us as christians to take seriously how we are called out and need to remain with clean hands because I do believe the anointing oil of the Lord is upon us. Great things shall we do in His name.
    Love you much,
    Lauren (Hope Boulder)

  4. leoniekent Says:

    Dear Friends:
    Your prayers, insights and concerns are such an encouragement to Lorrie and me. Thank you for standing in the gap for Australia during this time.
    With love,

  5. Vic Harrison Says:

    Dear Ambassador of the Lord,
    Have been praying for you and Lorrie for rain and refreshing in your season away. Two portions of scripture came to me when praying for you – not sure why, but they are Isaiah 30:15 …”In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” Also Isaiah 32:17 “The work of righteousness will be peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever.”

    Nancy, Bethany and Jon all send their love!

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