Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ category

Aussie girl gets wheels in Gilgit!

May 17, 2009

002Seen today on the bustling city streets of Gilgit, a white dupatta flapping wildly in the breeze…
Move over Bedford Truck, I’m coming through…next stop…Gilgit bazaar!
Not quite ready for the KKH…yet!

Road Report from the Karakoram Hwy!

May 5, 2009

And you thought your roads were bad?? Try traveling the KKH!!


Has anyone seen my Green Card?

February 16, 2009

On February 12 my US visa application was denied by the US Consulate in Melbourne. I will not be able to return to America as planned at the end of this month. Currently there is no other visa open to me, my only recourse is a positive response to my Green Card petition. As of today, I am still waiting to hear from the US government concerning this.

So what does this mean? For now I am waiting on the Lord to show me what is next. The news was shocking and left me struggling to believe that I had been rejected. Tears come and go and feelings of grief and anxiety leak from my heart when I least expect it. I know these feelings are OK and they have not overwhelmed me. I know the Lord has a plan and He will show me the way forward and provide for me. I will be back in the USA in the near future and in the meantime I will continue to be about His business from Down Under and wherever He sends me.

The timing of my visit to Australia has been very interesting. Two days after arriving at my parents, my home State of Victoria was ravaged by bush fires that have left the nation devastated. It is the worst natural disaster in Australia’s history. Fires fighters continue to fly in from all over the world to relieve and support the overwhelmed and weary local crews. Whole towns and villages have been burned to the ground, many will never recover. The fires have swept through thousands of hectares destroying property, killing wildlife and livestock and the human death toll is appalling. Families across Victoria are suffering with the loss of loved ones. Many people remain missing. As the forensic teams move through the burned debris of rural communities there are dreadful discoveries of human remains, burned beyond recognition.

I have shared in the grief and suffering of the nation, I have mourned with my countrymen. I have also felt pride at the unconditional outpouring of heroism, generosity and strength of spirit that has come forth from the heart of the Australian people.

Tragedies like this keep small things like denied visas in perspective.

Father God will bring great healing and hope to the hurting and His Rain of Salvation will bring forth new life from the ashes. Thank you for praying for His Rain to flood this dry and devastated land to heal, to comfort and restore.

Thank you for praying for me too. As always I have many Mission mobilization projects on the go both in the USA and well as the Himalaya. I may be stopped for now from entering the States but the opportunities to challenge, mobilize and serve His vision never stop. Please continue to pray for the Green Card. Its time!

Cool waters to a burned and thirsty soul…

February 11, 2009

In the midst of tragedy there are miraculous stories and images of hope and kindness.

Australia burns…

February 9, 2009

It’s Monday morning and I am sitting at McDonalds in my parents hometown of Sale, East Gippsland, Victoria, availing myself of the free WiFi.  All around me sit local country folk, their hamburgers going cold as they watch the television and listen to the dreadful news of the bush fires that have ravaged our State this weekend.  The atmosphere is somber and I see such sadness on people’s faces as we listen to the reporter inform us that 31 fires continue to blaze across Victoria, over 100 deaths have been confirmed and authorities expect this toll to increase as there are many people missing. Thousands of acres have been burned, whole country towns and villages destroyed and countless numbers of livestock and wildlife lost to the bush fires. These fires are the worst natural disaster Australia has ever experienced.

Last week the Country Fire Authority was warning all residents to be prepared for bush fires this weekend.  On Saturday the temperature was the highest ever recorded for Victoria as the mercury peaked at 115F.  As I went to bed that evening the air was thick with smoke, soot and burned eucalyptus leaves carried on the gusting north winds.  Even though there was some rain during the night it was not enough to bring relief and we knew that the 3500 fire fighters were doing everything they could to prevent loss of life.  This was the second weekend in a row that fires were being fought by these men and women with additional crews coming in from across the nation.

Bush fires are not an unusual occurance in the Aussie summer…its part of life especially for the rural areas.  I remember as a child sitting on my bed late at night, looking out the window to the mountain ridges in the distance that were a blaze of red against the night sky and knowing my Dad was up there with other local volunteers fighting fires. It was not unusual to have my summer seaside holidays at my Grandparents abruptly interrupted by Dad arriving to collect us to take us back home to the bush.  He needed to be there to fight fires.

Although my town has not been threatened, the lingering smoke on the horizon reminds me of the devastation of rural communities not far away. My heart is heavy and my eyes fill with tears as I identify with the pain and loss being experienced in Australia today.

Please pray for Victoria. There is not a person here not effected by this tragedy.  In Australia there is a local saying that describes the character and nature of the Australian… “Aussie Battler.”  Australians historically are a resilient breed and they will battle and overcome what ever adversity they face.  We are a tough lot!  Please pray for God’s comfort to rain upon hurting hearts that desperately need Him.

Blue Skies Smiling at Me…

January 27, 2009

Its -1.5F, the sky is a brilliant blue and the sun is shining causing the fresh snow to sparkle like diamonds.  I have just shoveled my driveway and found myself dilly-dallying outside because it is so pristine and beautiful.  I love it when the snow is crunchy and my nose hairs stick together!

In a few hours I will head to the airport for the long flight to Australia.  I’m looking forward to boarding the 747 and leaving behind the paperwork, email and phone calls for awhile.  I’m half way through the book “The World is Flat” by Thomas Friedman so expect to finish it as we follow the curve of the earth from 45,000ft.  I might indulge myself at the airport bookstore for some intriguing travel story too.

This is my 13th flight Down Under and the first time to be traveling to my home land with a friend. Its exciting having Lorrie come!  I love the anticipation of knowing something new is around every corner that traveling always brings.  Without fail, God surprises me with a fresh glimpse of Him and His world and sharing these magical encounters with a friend is especially cool!

Yesterday my interview for the US visa was set for Thursday, February 12 at 9:45am (US Consulate General – Melbourne, Australia.)  Your prayers for favor are so appreciated.

Whilst in Australia I will also be applying for an Non-Government Organization (NGO) visa with the Pakistan Embassy in Canberra.  This visa will allow me to enter Pakistan multiply times and work for the NGO, Shining Light Community Development Organization. The dream of this NGO was birthed in 1998 when a small group of students made their first journey into the Himalayan Mountains of Northern Pakistan.  I was a part of that adventure and we had no idea how those few weeks would impact so many lives for eternity!

An approval letter from the Ministry of the Interior, Islamabad, Pakistan is waiting at the Pakistani Embassy for my application.  I am the test case for this visa being issued as our work in Pakistan has only recently been registered with their government.  I want to be the first to receive this visa and set a precedent pioneering the way for international workers from around the world to come and serve in Northern Pakistan!

Okay, my bag is packed and its time to boogie!


Debonair and delightful!

January 21, 2009

product_image-php Treat yourself to the movies and see “Australia.”

Click on the movie title above and see the action!

It’s the Aussie version of “Gone With the Wind.”
I loved it!
A beautifully filmed epic in the tradition of old Hollywood…
The captivating story overflows with romance, adventure, humor and spectacular Australian scenery.
Let me know what you think…even if you don’t like it.

I’ll refund you the ticket cost if I’ve wasted your time.

While I was waiting for the movie to begin an elderly gentleman slowly made his way along to the center seat in the row in front of me and said hello as he sat down.  Upon hearing my voice, he swivled around and asked if I might be Australian?  When I replied that yes, I was from Down Under, his face lit up and he promptly began to share with me his dreams as a young man to visit  my homeland.  Sadly this was something he had never been able to do.  Having seen the film before, he went on to give a glowing review.  We continued to chat until the lights were dimmed and the movie began to roll.  Then in the spirit of an age gone by, taking me quite by surprise and delight, the elderly gentleman said goodbye with a kiss to the back of my hand!  Maybe I should go to the movies more often!

No time to lose…

January 20, 2009

A couple of calendar highlights coming up for Spring:

March 8-13  Teaching the Biblical Basis for Mission in the Discipleship Training School at YWAM Cimarron.

April 17-19 Guest Speaker at the Foursquare Church Women’s Retreat for the Denver Metro area.  24 churches will be represented.  The theme is “Leaving a Legacy to change a Destiny.”  WOW!

May/June – Guest Speaker at the Graduation Ceremony of the Lahore Bible College, Lahore – Pakistan. These are future pastors, Christian teachers and missionaries for the Muslim world. I will then travel north to Gilgit and speak at the Graduation Ceremony of the Women’s Vocational Training Center.

    I have three prayer concerns to share with you:

    1. Favor in obtaining a new visa mid February. At a recent border crossing a US Customs official told me they would not issue me another visa and that I couldn’t continue to come and go like I have been.  God will have the final say!

    2. Green Card Application approval.

    3. Financial provision as I’m on the road training and mobilizing for Mission.

          Daily I am made aware of the uncertainty of my immigration situation and yet I feel a tremendous sense of hope for  2009.
          I trust you do too.

          There is an expectation in my heart.  Its intuitive and intangible.  A feeling of being on the verge of something remarkable that is not only personal; it’s a sense I have for this time and season we are all in…something good is coming if we dare to dream and believe.

          By nature I am a hopeful individual, optimistic and under girded by faith in the miraculous God we serve.  Even with all the uncertainties, trials and tragedy in the world today I have great expectation for 2009 and they are not conditional to any political agenda, economic advancement, immigration turn around or personality predisposition.  Our God is GOOD, powerfully at work in the world around us! He is at work in us and through us and if we will actively engage with Him and boldly grasp Him and the opportunities He presents us, the world will see, experience and know the Living, transformational Hope that longs to embrace them!

          I am overwhelmed by the privilege of partnering with God and with you, in bringing His Hope to the world.

          Time sure “flies”…

          January 19, 2009

          It’s that time of the year again…


          …another run for the border!

          I  head back to Australia on January 27 for what has become my annual birthday visit to the US Consulate General in Melbourne.  This time last year God opened the door for a 12 month visa to be issued that had been denied in Islamabad, Pakistan.  It was a great birthday gift.  This year I am looking for a repeat performance.

          My good friend Lorrie will be coming on this trip.  She figures after traveling throughout the Himalaya with me including being detained by the Chinese military on the Tibetan plateau in NW China…a trip to Australia will be a breeze!  My sister sent her a guide to Aussie Slang and Lorrie has been busy studying hard to make the cross-cultural leap Down Under!

          It’s not the lingo she needs to prepare for…it’s the meat-pies, black snakes and blow flies! I have given instruction on the Great Australian Salute and she shows much promise. Time will tell whether she has what it takes to handle the Aussie Blowie!

          Last week I learned that my Green Card application is still waiting adjudication in the Background Check Unit – US State Department.  I had no idea I had that much background to be checked!  Some days I feel the Green Card is so close and yet at the same time, so far away.  Whilst I wait for a favorable decision I am required to continually come and go from the USA or stay away until I have permanent residency.  If this next visa is not granted then I will need to be away from the USA for six months before I can reapply for entry again.

          I plan to return to the USA on February 28 and I will hit the ground running, just the way I like it!

          Green Card Petition now being reviewed!

          November 22, 2008

          Yesterday I received notification from my Attorney that my petition for the Green Card is now under review with Immigration. I should hear the decision or notice of further action within 30-60 days. Please pray and keep on praying!

          Wow…this could come through by Christmas…

          Trusting in Him!

          “I know your works.
          See, I have set before you an open door,
          and no one can shut it;
          for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My Name.”
          Revelation 3:8