Has anyone seen my Green Card?

On February 12 my US visa application was denied by the US Consulate in Melbourne. I will not be able to return to America as planned at the end of this month. Currently there is no other visa open to me, my only recourse is a positive response to my Green Card petition. As of today, I am still waiting to hear from the US government concerning this.

So what does this mean? For now I am waiting on the Lord to show me what is next. The news was shocking and left me struggling to believe that I had been rejected. Tears come and go and feelings of grief and anxiety leak from my heart when I least expect it. I know these feelings are OK and they have not overwhelmed me. I know the Lord has a plan and He will show me the way forward and provide for me. I will be back in the USA in the near future and in the meantime I will continue to be about His business from Down Under and wherever He sends me.

The timing of my visit to Australia has been very interesting. Two days after arriving at my parents, my home State of Victoria was ravaged by bush fires that have left the nation devastated. It is the worst natural disaster in Australia’s history. Fires fighters continue to fly in from all over the world to relieve and support the overwhelmed and weary local crews. Whole towns and villages have been burned to the ground, many will never recover. The fires have swept through thousands of hectares destroying property, killing wildlife and livestock and the human death toll is appalling. Families across Victoria are suffering with the loss of loved ones. Many people remain missing. As the forensic teams move through the burned debris of rural communities there are dreadful discoveries of human remains, burned beyond recognition.

I have shared in the grief and suffering of the nation, I have mourned with my countrymen. I have also felt pride at the unconditional outpouring of heroism, generosity and strength of spirit that has come forth from the heart of the Australian people.

Tragedies like this keep small things like denied visas in perspective.

Father God will bring great healing and hope to the hurting and His Rain of Salvation will bring forth new life from the ashes. Thank you for praying for His Rain to flood this dry and devastated land to heal, to comfort and restore.

Thank you for praying for me too. As always I have many Mission mobilization projects on the go both in the USA and well as the Himalaya. I may be stopped for now from entering the States but the opportunities to challenge, mobilize and serve His vision never stop. Please continue to pray for the Green Card. Its time!

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3 Comments on “Has anyone seen my Green Card?”

  1. Lil Goodwin Says:

    I am so sorry to hear your visa was denied, but deep down I know God has great plans for you!! It’s just hard to understand right now, but I will be praying for you!! God is still a God of miracles, and He just has something to take care of ‘down under’ and needs you there!

  2. David Says:

    I was out praying with a YWAM team this morning in Strasbourg – in cold, driving rain. Soaked and cold.

    Lord, I pray that you send this rain to Australia and to Leonie. Make a way where there is no way! Expand her borders, Lord!

  3. Sindy Wilson-Rawlings Says:

    Leonie. I don’t know if you even look at this blog any more. It looks like you haven’t been on here since 2009. If you happen upon this please email me. God Bless.

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