Debonair and delightful!

product_image-php Treat yourself to the movies and see “Australia.”

Click on the movie title above and see the action!

It’s the Aussie version of “Gone With the Wind.”
I loved it!
A beautifully filmed epic in the tradition of old Hollywood…
The captivating story overflows with romance, adventure, humor and spectacular Australian scenery.
Let me know what you think…even if you don’t like it.

I’ll refund you the ticket cost if I’ve wasted your time.

While I was waiting for the movie to begin an elderly gentleman slowly made his way along to the center seat in the row in front of me and said hello as he sat down.  Upon hearing my voice, he swivled around and asked if I might be Australian?  When I replied that yes, I was from Down Under, his face lit up and he promptly began to share with me his dreams as a young man to visit  my homeland.  Sadly this was something he had never been able to do.  Having seen the film before, he went on to give a glowing review.  We continued to chat until the lights were dimmed and the movie began to roll.  Then in the spirit of an age gone by, taking me quite by surprise and delight, the elderly gentleman said goodbye with a kiss to the back of my hand!  Maybe I should go to the movies more often!

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6 Comments on “Debonair and delightful!”

  1. Lorrie Says:

    Do you have to eat vegemite when you enter Australia?

  2. leoniekent Says:

    Lorrie: Only if you want to keep the mozzies away! Have you got your bags packed yet???

  3. Lorrie Says:

    Bags packed? I still have six days … probably will pack the day before! Wooo Hoooo!!

  4. Yvonne Says:

    Been wanting to see that movie anyhow (being both a Nicole Kidman and a Hugh Jackman fan), but know I’m even more excited to see it! Have fun on your upcoming trip – will keep you in prayer! And I don’t think I’ve been kissed on the back of the hand since high school… lucky you!

  5. sam Says:

    De and i enjoyed the movie. We talked about you throughout. We almost got kicked out of the theater. I like your blog.

  6. leoniekent Says:

    So glad you enjoyed the film Sam and De, and especially that you didn’t get kicked out! We had only 20 minutes left to the end of the movie when the fire alarm went off causing a huge groan from the audience. Half an hour later, after the firemen had made their inspections, we were all allowed back in for the last scenes of the movie…it was worth the wait! And we each scored a free ticket for another day!

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